Friday, January 11, 2013

Volunteer Lemonade from NRA's Lemons

Perhaps the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre criticism of the administration's pushing of failed solutions could make lemonade from its lemons by taking his “crazy” suggestion a step further by asking NRA members to come forward and offer their volunteer service to their school districts. We have volunteers in our schools for other purposes; why not licensed and gun-use-trained volunteers for security? Seems the presence of sane and law-abiding NRA members guarding our schools would serve to make everybody happy: “tea-party” types would be glad no state or federal monies would be used, thereby keeping “big government” out of local issues; the defenders of 2nd Amendment rights would be happy that the ”right to bear arms” is not being trampled; the anti-gun folks would be content there’d be no added proliferation of guns, since volunteers would have their own; and what red-blooded, gun-totting American would not jump at the chance to “strut their stuff” in a public place? Promoters of volunteerism have reason to rejoice in the renewal of a GHW Bush era “million points of light” solution at the grass-roots level.

Disclaimer: As neither a gun owner nor a member of the NRA, I see the suggestion of armed guards in our public places as one more step toward the “security state” seen by those who recoil at military personnel armed with assault-rifles at foreign airports. And I don’t agree with LaPierre’s concept: "the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." While this is a somewhat "tongue-in-cheek" commentary, I'd like to think the suggestion might have merit in giving the NRA a chance to "put it's money where its mouth is."

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