Monday, February 10, 2014

Bishops Advocating Civil Disobedience. . . Selectively

An interesting item from CNS linked below invites reflection: what if the Bishops advocated the use of civil disobedience by the faithful about other issues? Not just the narcissistic  one about the alleged curtailing of "religious freedom" by the administration, but others, e.g., about pursuing criminal charges against prelates who moved sexual predators around to different parishes rather than reporting them to civil authorities for criminal action, or internationally, about the justice issues related to U.S. Foreign and Trade Policy, like the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Act favored by the administration--called "NAFTA on steroids." The hierarchy so often casts those dissenting about Church policy and calling for reform as "cafeteria cathollcs." Selectively advocating civil disobedience for some self-serving justice issues over others seems to place our church administrators in the role of "buffet bishops."